Next meeting of the Dissertation Board held

19 October 2018 - 15:10 | Conferences, assemblies

On October 19, the next meeting of the Dissertation Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held.

Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Board, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alakbar Aliyev informed about the issues on the agenda and said that the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of theses and curators approval.

At the meeting theses  "Development of  Methods and Algorithms for Evaluating Researchers and Scientific Works" by Rahila Hasanova, the senior scientific worker of the institute and "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Measurement of Interstate Integration Processes in Electronic Public Environment" by Gulnara Nabibeyova, Department Head of the Institute, on the specialty 3338.01 "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing" were discussed and  the curators were appointed and approved.

Doctor of technical sciences, professor Nadir Agayev and Ph.D. in technical sciences Zarifa Jabrayilova for the thesis of Mrs. Hasanova and corresponding members of ANAS, doctor of sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova and Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Farhad Yusifov were appointed curators for the thesis of Mrs.Nabibeyova.

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