Advantages of using social networks to personalize e-learning investigated

04 October 2018 - 09:25 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 10 was held at the Institute of  Information Technology of ANAS. Lala Zeynalova, an employee of the department presented the report on "Use of social networks to personalize e-learning". Scientific achievements in the field of information technologies led to the development of the individual learning concept at the beginning of the XXI century, she said. According to the speaker, the individualization of education allows the students to choose what, when and how they are taught.

She said the education management system was applied in higher education institutions in many countries around the world. Leyla Zeynalova noted that social networks are widely used for personalization of the education and the social technologies cover the students' own ideas, publish their scientific works, place multimedia information, collaborate with group members to solve their problems, exchange files and so on.

The reporter said that data analysis from social networks consisted of stages such as gathering, clearing, initial data processing, monitoring changes in user data, a method for data analysis, graphical structure build-up and data visualization.

“Data clustering methods can be used to analyze the structure and content of information exchanged in social networks by high school students”, - she noted.

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