Scientific and theoretical bases of programming studied

26 September 2018 - 14:44 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar devoted to the scientific-theoretical bases of programming of Department No. 9 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Chief engineer of the department, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Shafaget Mahmudova gave information about theory and technology of programming, algorithms theory, methods of optimization of programs, etc. 

Programming theory involves the formal methods based on the specifications of the programs and methods that provide mathematical analysis and mathematical analysis, as well as the understanding of issues, she noted.

Programming technology teaches technological processes and their stages using knowledge, methods and tools, Mrs. Mahnmudova said. Any software that is included and used in the system must meet specific requirements such as security, usefulness, effectiveness, universality, reliability, accuracy, integrity.

According to her, programming is not considered as a consistent process in the software development process in modern technology, but as a few parallel processes that interact with one another.

She informed about modern programming. These technologies include multitasking and processors, dynamic libraries, OLE, ActiveX technology, etc, head of the department noted. In modern programming, Big Data, Data Science, Cloud computing and Grid Computing are widely used in programming.

The speaker spoke about the conceptual basics of programming languages. 

She also spoke about stages of development of programming technology, driving forces and key elements of programming languages, dynamic programming and elements, elaborate software.

Then, she spoke about algorithmic thinking and noted that it was a set of ideas aimed at solving issues.

''Software optimization is a process of a software upgrade to make some aspects of software work more efficient or less resource accessible"-, head of the department emphasized.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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