The websites of the Institute's journals were improved

24 September 2018 - 16:22 | Conferences, assemblies
The websites of the Institute's journals were improved

Websites of the Institute of Information Technology of the Institute of Information Technologies of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences “Problems of Information Technology” and “Problems of Information Society” ( and were improved. Sarkhan Yolchuyev, programmer of this organization, informed at the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute.

The speaker said that the software of both scientific journals has improved, has been adapted to modern challenges and international standards. According to him, the sites in three languages are composed of "About the journal", "Editorial Board", "Requirements", "Ethics Statements", "Archive", "Links", "Contact us" and "Registration". In the "Archive" section, all the journals and articles published so far have been posted. On the homepage, it is possible to search articles published in the last release and their DoI numbers (digital object ID).

Then Y.Yolchuyev informed about the system prepared for sending online articles to journals, explaining the registration, posting and editing of the article, as well as the rules for submitting the opinion.

Finally, discussions were held on the rules of use of scientific journals websites, questions were answered.

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