How to express gratitude in scientific works?

13 Jule 2018 - 12:52 | Conferences, assemblies

The seminar on "Expressing gratitude in scientific works" was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev highlighted the importance of expressing gratitude in scientific works and the need to study the international experience on this issue. The scientist said that the dissertation, the scientific articles, as well as those who contributed to the work in the autobiographies, are part of the scientific ethics.

Then, the department head, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev, spoke about  world experience. In international journals, gratitude are expressed to people who support the publication of the article and  special chapter was intended for that, he  said.

He noted that the chapter  "Acknowledgment" is considered to be one of the important components in scientific articles, dissertations, as well as in books' structures. Support for scientific research on moral, financial, editorial, technical, presentation, interactive discussion, etc. Available forms are available.

According to the head of the department, the official statement, " Acknowledgment" is an expression of a gratitude for assistance in creating an original work. It is not appropriate to express gratitude for non-research contributions in scientific articles, he noted.  Gratitude to person or organization did not have a direct hand in producing the work, but may have contributed funding, criticism, or encouragement to the author(s) should be expressed.

Scientist also presented an interesting gesture of appreciation and gratitude templates in articles published in well-known journals, elaborated a number of information on the norms regulating the scientific ethics, and the results of the publication. Since 2008, the information contained in the grateful articles of science, especially the research funding organizations and grant numbers  has been indexed by Web of Science (WoS).

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