Methods for assessing risks in e-government infrastructures proposed

10 Jule 2018 - 16:19 | Conferences, assemblies

At the department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS a method of estimating the entropy basis of the indicators included in the composite national cyber security indices was developed, static and dynamic cyber security indices were proposed and proposed approaches were evaluated on a realistic basis. Operational planning of operations on information security incidents and distribution among CERT-groups have been described as a model optimization problem and an algorithm based on a differential evolution approach has been developed for its solution.

This was reported by Yadigar Imamverdiyev, the department head, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor, who presented the report on the first half of 2018, informed about the research on information security.

He emphasized that the infrastructure of the e-government consists of critical information systems with strongly interdependent capabilities, and that the spread of small scale risk in one of these systems can be spread to other related systems and catastrophic impacts on the entire e-government ecosystem, and taking into account this event actuarial approach said the method of quantitative assessment of such risks was developed.

Y. Imamverdiyev said that within 6 months, the nature and main features of APT attacks, intelligence of oil and gas fields, application problems of Big Data technologies in oil and gas industry, cyber-attack systems modeling, detection and evaluation of cyber-physical systems, etc. research were carried, as a result of the research, 22 articles (14 of them included in the Web of Science, Scopus and DBLP) and 5 conference materials were published.

The head of department noted that a number of works on the AzScienceNet Information Security and Monitoring Service and AzScienceCERT were accomplished, and articles have been published on a number of prestigious journals.

He also informed about works done jointly with Departmenrts No.1 and No.13 on grant projects Development of methods and algorithms for providing information security in large databases and their applications" and "DeepOil-ML: Development of new technologies based on Deep Learning for Intellectual Oil Fields"  

The head of the department also gave detailed information on scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, preparation of various publications, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media, as well as on the work done on  development of international scientific cooperation.

Discussions were held around the report, a number of proposals and recommendations were put forward.

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