Important scientific results achieved in the Department No. 13

10 Jule 2018 - 14:13 | Conferences, assemblies

Semi-annual report of Department No.13 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2018 was delivered. Head of the department, correspondent member of ANAS, and doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev informed about the carried out research works this year. Scientist noted that  works on the "Development of methods and algorithms for providing information security in Big Data environment and their applications" , "Development of method for auto-referencing texts", " "Research  on the Problems of Application of Internet Things in Oil and Gas Industry", " Research of e-government with the help of social networking and intellectual analyses  technologies " and " Development of mechanisms for the formation and management of e- government "were carried out  and the articles were  published.

Development of new methods and algorithms for increasing  effectiveness  of e-management, development of indexes for the evaluation of scientific journals and researchers' performance, development of scientific method and algorithms with the application of modern information technologies, development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of e- science and its functional subsystems, development  of methods and algorithms for intellectual presentation of knowledge in virtual environmentand research in other areas were conducted, head of department noted.

Over the past six months, 23 articles were submitted to the journals indexed by Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier). 14 of them have already been published. 9 conference materials were published in international conferences.

Researches on grant projects "Developing Methods and Algorithms for Ensuring Information Security in Large Data Environment and Their Applications" and "Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems" of Scientific Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,  "Application of Internet of Things  in Oil and Gas Industry" of SOCAR Science Foundation, as well as,  a joint grant between Azerbaijan and Russia Development of  Methods and Algorithms for Increasing the efficiency of E-management  with the Application of Big Data Analytics Technologies continue, he said.

Mr. Aliguliyev noted that cooperation with Austrian Federal University, Malaysian Technology University and Kazakhstan Institute of Information and Communication Technologies was established. He said that scientific research was carried out jointly with academics of these scientific institutions, as a result of cooperation 5 articles were published.

The scientist also informed about the scientific indicators of the department headed by him. According to him, 165 references were made the works of the department’s staff, 1711 were made in the last 5 years, and 2701 in total.

Discussions were held around the report, a number of proposals and recommendations were put forward.

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