A model for detecting DDoS attacks on the national information infrastructure was proposed

09 Jule 2018 - 14:04 | Conferences, assemblies

The semi-annual  report of Departmet No. 1 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2018 was discussed. Chief engineer of the institute, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor  Makrufa Hajirahimova informed about the work done within 6 months. Within the framework of the Grant project of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (EIF) "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Ensuring Data Security in the Big Data Environment and Some Applications thereof" , a model based on the classifier ensemble for detecting DDoS attacks on national information infrastructure was offered, she noted.

She presented Works done on  "Deep Learning-methodology for the analysis of oil-bearing data analysis and algorithm based on Deep Learning" within the grant project "DeepOil-ML: Development of new technologies based on Deep Learning Intelligent Oil Fields", grant fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

She also spoke about research on "Developing a fast algorithm to increase the efficiency of search engines in large volumes" in Big Data and digital heritage fields.

Department’s staff in participated in Science Development Foundation and SOCAR grant projects, scientific and technical expertise was carried out in the articles published in journals "Problems of Information Technologies" and "Information Society Problems", and a number of other measures were implemented.

 The articles of  department staff published in well-known scientific journals, they participated in various scientific-technical conferences and symposiums. She also presented the department's elmmetric indicators and reported that the 132references  were made to the  articles of department staff . There are 143  refersnces in the last 5 years in total .

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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