An article on the conceptual foundations of the National Terminology Information System was published in an international journal

05 Jule 2018 - 16:00 | Important events
An article on the conceptual foundations of the National Terminology Information System was published in an international journal

The article titled “The Conceptual Foundations of National Terminological Information System”, co-authored by academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev and chief specialist of the institute, Afruz Gurbanova published in the”International Journal of Education and Management Engineering “(IJEME) journal.

The article is dedicated to the establishment of the National Terminology Information System. The current situation and problems in the field of terminology in Azerbaijan have been investigated and the necessity of the system has been substantiated. International experience and standards have been analyzed in this direction. Within the framework of the system it was noted that the terminology was conducted in the field of informatics and a number of conceptual views were presented. Conceptual bases and architectural and technological principles of the national terminology information system have been developed.

Also, the main functions of the web portal created within the framework of the system are given. As a result of the work on the establishment of the system, the future prospects of the NTIS were determined. The results expected from the implementation of the national terminology information system were highlighted.

It should be noted that “International Journal of Education and Management Engineering” published by “MECS Press” was indexed in prestigious scientific bases such as"Google Scholar", "Microsoft Academic Search", "Baidu Wenku", "Open Access Articles", "Scirus", "CNKI" , "CrossRef", "JournalTOCs" and so on.

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