The article was published in a prestigious international journal

05 Jule 2018 - 10:52 | Important events
The article was published in a prestigious international journal

The head of department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD in Economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev's article " (Methodological aspects of estimation of ICT-based economic development" was published in “Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy” journal.

In the article on the methodological aspects of estimation ICT-based of economic development trends in the development trends of the information economy and its formation in foreign countries,  were   analyzed.  Comparative analysis of Azerbaijan's information economy with developed countries was conducted, a comparative analysis of various indicator systems for the formation and evaluation of the level of information and knowledge economy development. Also, some recommendations have been provided to address existing problems.  The methodology for calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), formed on the basis of information and knowledge, and the composite index of information and knowledge economy was  proposed.

"Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy" journal was indexed in EBSCO, BASE, Cabell's, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, ERIH Plus, GIF, NewJour, ProQuest, RePEc, Ulrich's and World Cat and scientific bases.

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