Comparative analysis of world education management systems conducted

04 Jule 2018 - 14:25 | Conferences, assemblies

Semi-annual report of Deaprtment No. 10 was discussed at  the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Head of department, PhD, associate professor Firudin Agayev presented the report of department headed by him for the first half of 2018. Firstly, he reported on the research carried out in the department, focusing on the study of educational management systems in electronic education, the study of the possibilities of e-learning systems in foreign countries, and the comparative analysis of existing teaching management systems in the world.

He noted that the possibility of using social networks in e-learning were studied, the experience of foreign countries on the use of social networks in e- education were researched,  research on the formation of educational content based on cloud technology were analyzed.

Mr. Aghayev also informed about research on methods of assessment of quality indicators in electronic education in foreign countries, research on quality content of teaching content in e-learning, and research on intellectual environments in foreign countries. During 6 months 5 scientific articles and 2 conference materials were published.

Speaking about the department’s scientific and innovation activities, F.Agayev noted that measures on development and teaching of ICT educational programs on various organizations and enterprises were implemented.

The head of department  also informed about the scientific-organizational and scientific-innovation activities of the department, as well as the work carried out in connection with the promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward .

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