Research on the application of Internet of Things in the Oil and Gas Complex continues

03 Jule 2018 - 11:11 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department No.11 for the first half of 2018 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The head of the department, Shakir Mehdiyev, presented the report and informed about the carried out researches. He noted that the researchers conducted research on the scientific-theoretical problems of formation of information technologies and information society by the department staff and the development of effective methods. He said that the research was carried out within the grant project on the application of the Internet of Objects in the Oil Gas Complex of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, and the results of the research were reflected in a number of articles, theses and conference materials.

Mr.Mehdiyev also noted that the current situation, problems and perspectives of quantum computers and quantum calculations as well as unmanned aerial vehicles are being studied.

The reporter noted that engineering and software services were provided on individual computers belonging to institutes and organizations of ANAS. He said that the repair and adjustment of the personal computers owned by the academy's scientific institutions and the improvement of their technical capabilities. He noted that the repair and adjustment of personal computers belonging to institutes and organizations of ANAS, increase of their technical capabilities, improvement of Internet infrastructure, technical and software services to the local computer network of Presidium of ANAS were continued.

Mehdiyev also informed about the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, promotion of scientific-practical results in the mass media and science-metrix indicators

Discussions were held on the report; a number of proposals were put forward ..

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