Evaluation of web resources is one of the key components of national security

02 Jule 2018 - 16:07 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of department No.16 on "Evaluation of indicators of web resources operating in ccTLD domain zone as the main component of national security" was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

The programmer  of the institute, Yusif Sadiyev gave detailed informationanalytics of web resources operating in ccTLD domain zone, e-government web infrastructure development process and web resources analytics, web analytics, National Statistical System, etc.

“Analytics of web resources in the high-level domain zone constitutes the basis of the information security, which is an important component of the national security of the country”, he noted. Analytics allows you to analyze the online presence of citizens through e-government.

The main areas of analytics of web resources are user behavior and profiles, the number of appeals in the web site, keywords sought by the user, the geography of visitors, the user's web usage time, and cross-page transitions,he pointed out.

He noted  that the e-government's web infrastructure is based on the web resources of every government sector. On the basis of the formed web infrastructure there is an online interactive communication between organizations and citizens.

According to the speaker, the main task of the National Statistical System is to provide feedback between e-government and users and to archive all the information collected and make predictions using statistical mechanisms. This system is built on the national interests of the country and the whole analytical process is reflected there.

Noting that national information security is composed of national web antispam system, National Statistical System and other subsystems, Y.Sadiyev also informed about platforms for web resources analytics.

He also presented the percentage of web resources used by analytics services and noted that currently 66.7% of the world's active websites use analytics services.

Analytics of existing web resources in the national domain zone of the countryis directly related to national security , he said. The leading countries of the world have preferred to build their own statistical system, he stressed.

The main purpose of national statistical systems is to ensure that reliable information is collected from web resources, analyze existing experiences and maintain the privacy of information.

Absence of the National Statistical System causes ".az" to analyze web resources in the domain zone on different platforms. Strategically important web resources for the state do not favor the use of these services to protect national interests.

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