Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "AzScienceNet is a virtual bridge for integration of Azerbaijani science and education community into Europe"

29 June 2018 - 14:30 | Interviews, speeches
Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "AzScienceNet is a virtual bridge for integration of Azerbaijani science and education community into Europe"

Academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke about the purpose of integration of AzScienceNet science network into the GEANT network at the meeting on "Role of GEANT network in integration of science and education of Europe into Europe". He said that the cooperation between the higher education institutions of Azerbaijan and the European scientific and educational institutions, as well as joining GEANT network within the EaPConnect project, are the main targets for the broadband network services provided by the institute to the country's higher education institutions. He also added that the European Union's support for the EaPConnect project is one of the important issues for Azerbaijan's use of science and education.

Then the scientist shared his views on a number of challenges and perspectives. He noted the need to solve a number of technical, economic and financial problems in order to implement special measures for the uninterrupted and priority energy supply of the AzSceinceNet network.

The AzScienceNet network is a virtual bridge for the integration of Azerbaijan's science and education community into Europe, "said the academician.  the need to integrate scientific and educational institutions of our country into Europe's GEANT network, he stressed. He noted that joining Azerbaijan to the GEANT network necessitates coverage of both scientific organizations and educational institutions across the country with a single network.

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