Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "Scientific research should be planned, purposeful and step wise"

28 June 2018 - 15:29 | Conferences, assemblies

The joint scientific seminar of Department No.17 and the Public Relations Department was held at the Institute of Information Technology. Academician-secretary of the ANAS, director of the institute, head of the department, academician Rasim Alguliyev  told that  the seminar was dedicated Problems with scientific research carried out by department staff, determining of scientific-theoretical and mathematical base,  the structure of scientific articles to be prepared and the activity of  staff in Web of Science, , "Scopus", "Researchgate", "Google Scholar" in virtual science bases and so on.

Later, Fidan Sadigova, the employee of the department, gave detailed information about the research and spoke about the relevance of the public analyzing system through mobile phones. She noted that analysis of communication between people in different time dimensions, analysis of their relationships with mobile phones is of great importance for understanding people's relationships in society.

She said that world-wide experience was investigated to analyze social relationships through mobile phones, analyzing existing approaches and comparing prospects for using the PageRank algorithm.

Academician Rasim Alguliyev advised the young specialist to study thoroughly the scientific works of scientists involved in analyzing social networks through mobile phones. He said that it is possible to determine the role of each individual in society by analyzing mobile conversations between people: "It is possible to analyze the social network based on graph theory."

The employee of the department, Gulnar Najafova, said the world experience was learned to find personal relations between people. She gave information about the method and algorithms used to solve the problem. She informed about the possibilities of the algorithms used for the visual description of social relations and said that the theory of graphs was used to detect social relationships.

Later, the employee of the department, Turgut Yasin, gave information on the history of formation of the knowledge economy, scientists working in this field. He noted that he has been conducting research on the analysis and classification of problems related to economics.

Employees of the department informed R. Alguliev about their research. The scientist put forward his recommendations on how to conduct scientific research. He said that scientific research should be planned, purposeful and stepwise. Academician also emphasized the importance of selecting the keywords in search of scientific bases on the Internet.

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