Women's Council was established at the Institute of Information Technology

23 Mai 2018 - 10:47 | Conferences, assemblies

On May 22, the constituent meeting of the Women's Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  Academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev, employees of the institute, chairman of ANAS’s Women Council, head of department, doctor of philosophy, prof. Rena Mirzazade, chairman of Women Council of Philosophy Institute, doctor of philosophy Lala Movsumova, secretary and coordinator for scientific researches of ANAS Women's Council, PhD in philosophy Samira Kadieva, deputy chairman of the Young Scholars and Professionals Council of the Philosophy Institute Humay Isayeva were attended the meeting.

Opening the event, academician Rasim Alguliev noted that the Council of Women was established in April of this year in ANAS and it is also necessary to create such a council in the institute.

Protection of women's rights and their active involvement in the country's socio-political life are among the issues that is always in the focus of attention of country’s leadership, he noted. He emphasized that women have exceptional services in building civil society and developing science.

Then speaking prof. Rena Mirzazade said that in the modern world, the prevention of gender  violence has been achieved, and that women and men have equal rights. The Women's Council was established in ANAS to support the gender equality policy of the country's leadership, she stressed. One of the main goals of the Council is to stimulate and support the activities of the Academy's female staff "

She noted that the Women's Council would cooperate with the Young Scientists and Experts Councils and Trade Unions committees operating in institutions.

The candidacy of the chief researcher of the Institute, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova was nominated  to the chair of the Women's Council, the head of the sector, PhD in technical sciences Rena Gasimova was nominated to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board and were accepted unanimously.

Then the members of the council were elected in the voting.

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