The Institute discussed the prospects for cooperation between the Swiss and Lithuanian universities

18 Mai 2018 - 17:00 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting was held with Professor Valentina Dagiene, Head of the Department of Data Science and Digital Technology at the Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Lithuanian Vilnius University and Blanka Ottilia, representative of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Associate Professor of Baku State University Ramin Mahmudzade, senior research fellow of the institute Ismayil Sadigov, as well as heads of department of the institute attended the meeting.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that the establishment and strengthening of international scientific cooperation was one of the priority issues of the institute.Speaking about the activities of the organization, the scientist talked about the work carried out in the field of information technologies,various aspects of the information society and the development of cooperation. The institute joined the giant electronic infrastructure - GEANT project, which serves all scientific and educational institutions across Europe through AzScienceNet science-computer network. R. Alguliev noted that our country has been cooperating with more than 40 countries through GEANT Association.

Then, V.Dagiene gave information  about  the University of Vilnius . He stated that the university founded in 1579 was the first university in Eastern Europe. He noted that the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technology of the University, where 23 thousand students are currently studying, operate in various fields in the field of information and high technologies, including statistics and probability, investigation of operations, cognitive calculation, cyber-social system engineering, global optimization, blocker technologies, as well as imagery and signal analysis groups.

The guest said he was studying computer science and software engineering, as well as preparing high school students in Vilnius for international Olympiads and competitions.

Representative of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Blanka Ottilia, for a long time said that there is close cooperation with Vilnius University and are interested in establishing these ties with Azerbaijani scientific institutions.

Academician Rasim Alguliev noted that opportunities were opened on establishing cooperation with Vilnius University in the field of personnel training and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, training of young cadres at the Vilnius University, and publishing articles in the "Information in Education" journal of Vilnus University included in the Web of Science .

Then the assistant professor of Baku State University Ramin Mahmudzadeh praised the establishment of scientific cooperation relations with the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies and noted that it is expedient to exchange personnel and experience with this organization.

Then the associate professor of Baku State University Ramin Mahmudzadeh praised the establishment of scientific collaboration with the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies and noted that it is expedient to exchange staff and experience with this organization.

İnforming about the international "Bebras" on Informatics R.Mahmudzadeh noted that this competition allows to evaluate algorithmic thinking of pupils from low grades even without programming. Noting the importance of theoretical knowledge as well as programming during the teaching of the subject of informatics, he noted that the Bebras competition was also planned to be held in Azerbaijani schools.

Later, the guests got acquainted with AzScienceNet's Data Processing Center and appreciated the innovative conditions created here.

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