Scientific-theoretical results of researches on dissertation work in the field of effective organization and management of technoparks were presented

08 Mai 2018 - 12:24 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev opening of the event, said that the seminar was dedicated to the scientific and theoretical results of the research on the topic of the “Development of models and mechanisms for efficient organization and management of technoparks”.

Then, Roza Shahverdiyeva, the employee of the institute, made a report on the dissertation, gave detailed information about the purpose of the topic, the issues, the chapters, the structure, the number of scientific publications.

The speaker noted that there are national and international documents that make the subject of dissertation relevant. National Strategy for Information Society (2014-2020), "Azerbaijan 2020: Look into  the Future" Development Concept, National Economy and  Strategic Roadmap for Major Sectors of Economy, The Fourth Industrial Revolutionary Thesis proposed by  the World Economic Forum, "Future Venture" Concept and so on are such official documents.

She noted that the main purpose of the dissertation work is to propose relevant models and methods for the efficient organization and management of technoparks, algorithms and mechanisms in the information economy and to make appropriate recommendations for their application.

The speaker presented the scientific and theoretical issues in the dissertation, consisting of 4 chapters, 15 paragraphs, results and 167 literature and supplements. Here is a generalized comparative analysis of international experience in creating and managing technoparks, developing an organizational and management structure of innovative technology parks on the basis of synthesis of existing business models, indicators, criteria, model, methodology for complex analysis and evaluation of technoparks management and innovation activities and the architectural-technological structure of the information support system for the organization of algorithms and the functioning of technoparks. She also noted that the development of the conceptual model of the intelligent management of technoparks, development of multifactorial correlation-regression model of innovative product-service production in technoparks, analysis and evaluation of the results of the developed method, model and algorithms, as well as the efficiency of innovation activity of technoparks in Azerbaijan and their development s have been undertaken in the research work.

According to the speaker, the main scientific, theoretical and practical results of the dissertation work were peesented and discussed at 20 international and national scientific conferences. More than 25 scientific works were published according to the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission. In addition 15 scientific articles were published on dissertation. She has published 5 international Journal articles, 10 national journal articles, 8 international conferences and 2 local conference materials were published.3 of them are indexed on the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), 12 are indexed in other international scientific bases, and 10 are scientific publications that are relevant to the AAC recommendation.