The application of adaptive technologies in electronic education is investigated

02 Mai 2018 - 11:30 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department 10 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. An employee of the department Jamila Bagirova presented a report on the topic of “Application of adaptive technologies in electronic education”.

J. Bagirova informed about the results of the research on adaptive technologies in the e-learning environment, the sequence of teaching materials transfer, the adaptive technologies that determine the complexity of solved issues.

Speaking of the rapid development of electronic education, the reporter noted that the use of adaptive technologies in electronic education would allow each trainee to choose his own individual education and training program.

Bagirova said that today most software complexes used in the e-learning system are not adaptive and do not meet the requirements. Adaptive and intelligent technologies will significantly improve the quality of the e-learning system.

Also, the application of these technologies will enable trainees to track student activities, make regular changes to individual curricula and solve problems in time.

The speaker said that e-learning resources have  some types such as e-learning, teaching and learning programs. She also pointed out that methods and algorithms will be studied for learning materials using the adaptive technology.

She also gave information about, application facilities of artificial intelligence for adaptation of electronic education, structural model of adaptive training system, functional structure of electronic education, etc.

Finally, discussions were held around the report and questions were answered.

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