Report on application areas of Fractal Graphics and Development Perspectives listened

02 Mai 2018 - 09:58 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the report on “Application areas of Fractal Graphics and Development Prospects” was listened. Anar Samidov, the head of department, gave a presentation on fractal graphics. He said that it was one of the most well-known computer graphics and the mathematical basis was taken from the fractal geometry. “The main feature of fractal is similarity,” said the reporter, adding that a small portion of the information was a great deal about fractals.

He said that the word “fractal” was taken from the Latin word “fractus” translated as “fragments”. He stated that this term was introduced by Matthew Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975. In addition to fractal graphics, fractal animation and music are also available in society.

The reporter gave information about scientists such as Benua Mandelbrot, Loren Carpenter, George Cantor, William Richardson, and their proposed theories in the field of fractal graphics.

Speaking about the application of the theory of fractals, A.Samidov noted that the Eiffel Tower built in 1887-1889 contained self-contained geometric elements, which are fractals. He also pointed out that fractal theory is applied in Moscow, Kremlin and Vasili Blajen temple, Paris Opera House, London Bridge and other historical buildings.

Then the reporter talked about fractal-based modern architectural forms, modern megapolis, as well as a few examples of fractal graphics found in nature.

A.Samidov also informed the participants about the magazines, books, scientific articles and conferences that were published in this field.

Finally, discussions were held around the report and many questions were answered. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev spoke highly of the fractal graphics and its application areas, which are new directions of his scientific institution.

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