A unified scientific laboratory for the development of artificial intelligence will appear in Europe

25 April 2018 - 12:18 | Interesting information
A unified scientific laboratory for the development of artificial intelligence will appear in Europe

The traveling European experts engaged in research in the field of artificial intelligence proposed to create a single pan-European laboratory. According to scientists, this will help overcome the technological backwardness of Europe from China and the United States.

The development of artificial intelligence is currently one of the priority areas in research and development. At the same time, the largest laboratories and development centers in this area are located in the United States. In addition, experts argue that Europe is inferior to the United States and China in terms of investment in this sector. In this regard, the leading universities in Europe are faced with the problem of "brain drain".

In their open letter, European scientists remarked that the creation of a large ELLIS (European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems) center will help to change the situation. The pan-European laboratory will unite under one roof the best specialists from different countries, which will contribute to the development of both fundamental and applied science. Scientists hope that ELLIS will become the world leader in the field of artificial intelligence research.

The project is proposed to be implemented as early as 2018. To this end, an intergovernmental organization based on cooperation between France and Germany should be established. To participate in it, scientists want to invite other EU countries, as well as Switzerland, Britain, Israel. In addition to research, the center will develop educational programs for young scientists.