A seminar on “ Draft law on the protection of children from malicious information” was held

25 April 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the department №9 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Sabira Ojagverdiyeva, Senior Specialist of the Institute, presented a report on the discussion of the draft law on protection of children from harmful information. Speaking about the relevance of the work, the reporter said that the rapid development of the Internet and its application to all spheres led to an increase in the number of users and the availability of information.

S.Ocaqverdiyeva informed about the purpose of the case and noted that, along with the implementation of educational, organizational and program-technical measures to protect children from the Internet, legislative regulation of the acquisition of malicious content that affects children's psychology and health is also an important issue.

The rapporteur spoke about the dangers facing the children, that they were deceived on the Internet, exposed to violence and faced with social and psychological threats. She stated that virtual spaces where children are exposed to dangers include social networks, forum, game rooms, etc. It concerns.

She said the dangers facing children on the Internet were divided into several groups. She added that the here includes content, electronic security, communication and behavioral risks. She stated that the risks associated with the content are the use of information published on the Internet and considered to be illegal content for children.

S. Ojagverdiyeva said that cyberbullying was a virtual terrorist attack, which was carried out via e-mail, instant messenger, chat rooms, social networks, websites, as well as mobile phones and caused psychological harm to human beings. Also mentioning the components of cyber-violence, emphasized that there are aggressive and negative behaviors, the presence of different forces among the participants and so on.

She spoke about problems made by the Internet. She noted that the desire of children and adolescents to learn everything will lead them to spend hours on the Internet. It gives children more virtual communication than real communication and it results their departure from society, problems with health, and so on.. She also noted that dependence on the Internet was acknowledged as a psychological illness in some countries.

She also noted that according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of April 2, 2014 "National Strategy for the Development of IC in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" was approved. According to the order, the development and application of a secure Internet "mechanism for the protection of children against the illicit and dangerous content" was developed.  According to the order, "Protection of children from malicious information", the types of information prohibited by the age classification of information products for children and the circulation of children were identified.

The reporter provided information on the types of information prohibited by circulation among children in Azerbaijan, the information disseminated among children of certain age groups, and evaluations during the age classification of the information product.

S.Ojagverdiyeva has made a number of proposals for the elimination or reduction of malicious information that children face on the Internet.  He noted that the safety of users should be monitored by government agencies, Internet service providers, network administrators and moderators.  It also aims to create a domain zone for Azerbaijani-speaking children, to collaborate with a secure Internet center and the ISAFE organization, to propagandize the threats to the younger generation through mass media on psychological damages to the younger generation. as well as the necessity of doing some work.

"Legislative regulation of cybercrime penalties limits children and adolescents from Internet threats”, she noted. Also, she pointed out the importance of clarifying the definitions and terms contained in the law. According the decree,  "Development and Implementation of a Safe Web" mechanism for the protection of children from illegal and hazardous content was developed.


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