Requirements for the design of scientific journals

20 April 2018 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the department № 18 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Presenting the report on the “Requirements for the Design of Scientific Journals”, Rena Gozalova, programmer at the institute, provided information on the issues to be considered during the publication of periodicals.

She stated that when creating a periodical scientific publication, the International Standard Series Number, the founder or founders of the publication must be clearly marked and publication of articles on different science fields should contain an editorial board, a review board, and an expert reviewer of relevant science fields. She also noted that while publishing articles in the journal, compliance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on " Enforcement of the Intellectual Property Rights and Fight Against Piracy" of July 9, 2012 is one of the important issues.

R. Gozalova informed about the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for periodicals and said that these numbers started to be used by the establishment of ISSN International Center in Paris on January 21, 1976. According to R.Gozalova, it is possible to get detailed information about this periodical by writing the ISSN number of magazines on the official website of the center. He also noted that ISSN member countries gained economic, scientific and cultural "advantages."

Later, R.Gozalova gave information about the International Standard Book Number (ISBN - International Standard Book Number) of the book. He emphasized that the ISBN is a system that collects information about books published in different countries and maintains it in the Big Data DataBase. The international standards of books or brochures published in publishers were identified through the ISBN.

He also talked about the requirements for articles published in magazines and Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). He stated that the UDC  is based primarily on the principle of ten.  By using this system it is possible to index any document: "Every section, subdivision, and so on can be found here. divided into 10 parts that do not exceed 10 for certain traits or for their frequently used sequence "

R.Gozalova UDC covers all areas of science and technology, use of only indexes such as indexes, use of combination principle in index structure, possibility of systematization of any number of documents for arbitrary division, etc. said there were some advantages.

In the end, the reporter noted that registration of journals in  "Copernicus", "INSPEC", "Google Scholar", РИНЦ”, "Directory of Open Access Journals", "EBSCO", "ResearchBib", "Open Academic Journals Index" increase their scientific weight, further expand the scope of references to articles and recognition of articles published in these journals.

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