The prospects of development of fractal graphics to be studied

12 April 2018 - 15:43 | Conferences, assemblies

The Action Plan of Department No.18 for 2018 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  The department head, Anar Samidov, informed about the current research work. Research on the development of methods and algorithms to increase the effectiveness of advertising-marketing activities in the Internet and problem of transformation of information from virtual space to real space, and analysis of fractal graphics will be carried out, he said.

Content-based system based on content will be created in order to increase the effectiveness of advertising-marketing activity on the Internet, and methods and algorithms will be developed in this direction,   A.Samidov noted.

The head of the department said that fractal graphics concept, its application areas and development perspectives will be analyzed in the current year. Also, the analysis of existing architecture and environmental design methods, the role of fractal theory in modeling urbanization concepts will be explored.

The speaker emphasized that in the current year it is planned to study the transfer information from virtual space to real space, 3D technologies. The new industrial revolution, impact of 3D printing technology on modern production will be researched.

Then A.Samidov talked about the work done in the department in the framework of scientific-innovation activity. He noted that during the current year, the department has created corporate styles and designs of creative designs, introduction of photo and video materials to the Multimedia Gallery, collection of information about world-renowned scientist Lutfi Zadeh, books, educational materials, preparation of products and practical work in other directions.

He also highlighted the work done in the department regarding scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, and the promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

In the end , discussions were held on the action plan. Suggestions and recommendations were made to strengthen the department's scientific activity.

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