Research will be carried out to form e-demography

10 April 2018 - 15:37 | Conferences, assemblies

Action plan of Department No17 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2018 was discussed. The senior specialist of the department, Rasim Mahmudov, informed about the scientific-research works that will be carried out in the department. He said that this year researches will be investigated in the direction of multidisciplinary problems of formation of e-government, problems of information war, knowledge economy, formation of social media.

Rasim Mahmudov noted that certain mechanisms will be developed for forming and effective management of e-government. He noted that the study of the multi-criteria decision-making model for the selection of candidates in the election process, the study of the scientific-theoretical basis of the formation of e-demography, and the study of the method of multicriteria selection of the representatives based on clusterization.

The reporter spoke about the work to be done to assess the obligations of the citizens in the e-government environment. He noted that it is planned to analyze and classify the obligations of the citizens to the state, and to study the approaches to the creation of their social credit system.

R.Makhmudov also gave information about the research on the development of methods and algorithms for intellectual analysis of electronic services. According to him, in the current year the department will analyze existing experience in the field of public services electronization, the advantages and disadvantages of e-services will be revealed.

The speaker also emphasized that research on the issues of protection and development of Azerbaijani language in the e-government environment and the creation of intelligent systems for the Azerbaijani language services will be conducted.

He also noted that the analysis of social networks in corporate learning environments, exploring the role of social networks in the learning environment and exploring methods for their analysis will be carried out.

The lecturer gave information about the analysis of the scientific and theoretical bases of the knowledge economy, the work to be done to study the socio-economic aspects of the IV industrial revolution. He said that the scientific-theoretical basis for the formation of e-demography will be explored, and the problems of software engineering will be studied.

Speaking about the development of Internet media resources monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, the reporter said that it is intended to investigate the theoretical aspects of web statistical mechanisms.

Rasim Mahmudov said that Azerbaijani journalism will be studied in contemporary media context, researchs on world experience in teaching new media and research on 3D journalism will be carried out.

Later, the rapporter provided detailed information on the scientific-innovation and practical activities of the department's staff for the current year. He noted that scientific support to the “State Program” on the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2017", a number of works will be carried out related to the the activities of the Viki-Center and others..

He also informed about the scientific-organizational and scientific-pedagogical activity of the department, the international scientific cooperation, the measures taken within the framework of propaganda of the results achieved in mass media.

The academician-secretary of ANAS, the director of the institute, the head of the department, the academician Rasim Alguliev gave his suggestions and recommendations regarding the activity plan of the department. The scientist emphasized the intensification and the deepening of research on the topics covered in the action plan.

He emphasized the importance of studing the technologies of electronic demography formation and intellectual analysis. "We have set a goal to go into new theoretical research on the e-government," he said. He emphasized the necessity of extensive study of its theory, foundations, scope and world experience in this field.

At the end, remarks and suggestions on the action plan were sounded, questions were answered. The department's action plan for 2018 has been approved.

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