The book “Civil Science”was published

06 April 2018 - 16:44 | New publications
The book “Civil Science”was published

The book "Civil science" was published co authered by academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev and head of department of the institute Tahmasib Fataliyev. The scientific editor of the book is the head of the department, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev.

The book, published by the Scientific Board of the Institute, explores the issues of formation of civil society and information societies, the goals, essence, characteristics of civil science and advanced civil projects. The role of modern information technology and social media in the formation and development of civil science was studied and its interaction with e-science was demonstrated.

The publication shows that civil research projects have been successfully implemented in the field of social, humanitarian, nature, geography, environmental research, astronomy, and software development. Civil science creates advantages for education, science, society, government, business and the media:

• The geographical scope of research in science is expanding, the cost of online data collection is reduced, the amount of data is increased, the accuracy and quality of scientific research is rising, and the interest of young people in science is increasing;

• The participation rate of teachers and students in research is increasing, new scientific directions are identified, communication methods are developed;

• Improved decisions are made in the society, rational logical thinking is developed; society-citizen relationships are deepening, the mental and physical health of the society members increases

• Environmental policy and medical procedures in the government are improving; Climate change impact monitoring is strengthened; costs associated with research, monitoring, communication and information campaigns are reduced;

• Business environment improves, business experience increases, business indicators, management and accounting improves;

All of this suggests that the promotion of civil science in the country, participation in relevant international projects involving national interests, and at the same time environmental protection, flood, fire, landslides, epidemiological illnesses, traffic jams, e-waste research and the development of projects of national significance is of crucial importance.

By the decision of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the book is intended for a wide audience of readers.

It should be noted that the book "Civil Science" was published by the financial support of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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