Problem of knowledge discovery from a large volume of data investigating

04 April 2018 - 09:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Action plan of Department No. 13 for 2018 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  The corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev talked about scientific-research work on various actual issues on scientific-theoretical problems of formation of information technologies and information society in his department.

R. Aliguliyev this year together with the Departments No. 1, 2 and 17 works will be conducted on the grant projects "Development of methods and algorithms for providing information security in large data (" large data ") environments and their applications" funded by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and together with the Departments No. 4, 15 and 17 on "Research of the problems of application of internet technologies in the oil and gas industry "funded by SOCAR Science Foundation, and the method for automatic referral of texts will be developed.

The head of department talked about the research on the problems of the formation, management and analysis of the e-government. In this regard researches will be conducted on the ‘’An electronic state research with the help of social networking and intellectual intelligence technologies’’ and "Development of Electronic Government Formation and Management Mechanisms", as well as, on the Azerbaijan-Russia joint grant project “Development of methods and algorithms for increasing the effectiveness of e-governance with the application of Big Data Analytics Technologies", he noted.

In this regard, it is planned to create methods and algorithms of intellectual presentation of knowledge in virtual environment, to develop solution algorithms for the study of the efficient organization of cloud services in computer networks and some identification and stabilization issues in dynamic systems, reporter noted.

The department head also noted that this year, the department’s staff plans to publish 26 articles and 13 conference materials.

Speaking about the international scientific cooperation of the department, the scientist said that in 2018, cooperation with Australia's University of Technology, Malaysia Technology University, and the National Technical University of Kazakhstan will be continued.

R. Aliguliyev also informed about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activity of the department, propaganda of scientific-practical results in mass media, etc. and told about the work to be done.

At the end of seminar, views on the action plan were exchanged  and  questions were answered.

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