The organization of electronic technical service in the network is being investigated

29 March 2018 - 14:43 | Conferences, assemblies

Action plan of Department No 11 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2018 was discussed. The head of the department, Shakir Mehdiyev, informed about the current research works. He noted that research on the scientific-theoretical problems of information technology and information society formation and the development of effective methods will continue this year.

The department manager said that it is envisaged to investigate the organization of electronic services in the network and to apply mathematical methods in expert diagnostic systems. He also noted that the quantum computer and quantum calculations, the Internet of Things and technical diagnostics, the current situation, problems and perspectives of unmanned aerial vehicles will also be investigated.

Speaking about the works to be done within the scientific-innovation and practical activities of the department, the speaker said that the repair and adjustment of the personal computers belonging to institutes and organizations of ANAS is envisaged to increase their technical capabilities. According to him, the renewal and improvement of the Internet infrastructure of the organization, as well as technical support for organizing lessons and exams in the Training Innovation Center will be continued this year.

He also highlighted the works done in the department regarding scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, and the promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

At the end, a detailed exchange of views on the subject was made, recommendations and recommendations were sounded.

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