Multi aspect problems of the Internet and supercomputer technologies are investigated

14 March 2018 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the action plan of the Depoartment No 4 for 2018 was discussed. Deputy Director on Technology, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov, said that it is envisaged to carry out researches on multifaceted problems of the Internet and supercomputer technologies by presenting the activity plan of current year. He noted that studies will be carried out on “Development of methods and algorithms for optimal synthesis of mobile cloud computing”, “Development of methods and algorithms for efficient use of network resources in Internet of things technologies”, “Development of methods and algorithms for creating virtual machines and computing clusters in data processing center” , “Research on creation of Enterprise Desktop Grid services in AzScienceNet network” and “Research and analysis of network-based network technologies in AzScienceNet”.

R. Alakbarov also noted that this year it is considered to carry out research on “Investigation and analysis of parallel computing in data processing center”, “Analysis of current situation and development perspectives of Green Computing Technologies", “Supercomputer Technologies: current status, development perspectives and problems”, “Development of methods and algorithms for new generation of security systems "and “Current state, problems and perspectives of wireless network technologies “.

Speaking about the work to be done within the framework of scientific and innovation activities, the rapporter noted that researches were carried out on the “Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems" grant project by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and “Application of Internet of Things technologies too oil-gas industry” project by the Science Foundation of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The scientist said the institute was actively involved in the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Institute of Information Technologyof ANAS within the framework of the State Program for the implementation of the National Strategy for Information Society Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2016-2020.

R. Alakbarov also noted that the work on operation and development of AzScienceNet network infrastructure, organization of Internet services and software upgrade will be implemented this year.

The head of department also noted that the use of Cloud Computing on AzScienceNet, creation of virtual laboratory service, operation of the “Multimedia Gallery” system, operation of “Interactive information system” in the Presidium of ANAS, “Elm TV” on AzScienceNet provision of direct broadcasting, expanding and operation of VoIP services at AzScienceNet, installation of new software for security and monitoring in AzScienceNet network and others were considered to be done.

Speaking about the international scientific cooperation of the department, the reporter noted that it is planned to continue cooperation with the GEANT Association for networking in all European scientific and educational institutions and the Center for Distributed Computing of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems named after A.A.Kharkevich of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made a presentation on the action plan of the department. He emphasized the importance of strengthening the scientific and theoretical activities of the academic staff and publishing the results in the prestigious scientific journals.

There was an exchange of views on the topic, questions were answered.

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