Electronic demographics should be researched

12 March 2018 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department 17 of Institute of Information Technology was held. The seminar was dedicated to the preliminary discussion of the Action Plan for 2018.

Modern demographic studies are of great relevance and that e-demographic problems are in the center of attention of many countries in the world, related to socioeconomic processes. He emphasized the importance of carrying out scientific researches in his department. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev said.

Speaking about the relevance of topics such as analysis of the society through mobile phones, identifying personal relations of people in e-government, preparation of an intellectual system for the Azerbaijani language in the e-government environment, and the development of an intellectual system for regulation of traffic flows, he noted the need to conduct research in these areas.

Mr. Alguliev recommended to deepen the research on 3D media and dron journalism in the world, impact of new media to new world countries, evaluation and monitoring of internet media resources and publish research articles in the prestigious journals.

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