Website of Institute's Training Innovation Center presented

06 March 2018 - 16:33 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the website of the Training Innovation Center (TIC) of the Institute was presented. Ragif Ismayilov, the programmer of the institute, gave detailed information about the site. the new resource is based on "Home", "About the Center", "Teaching", "Courses", "Olympics", "Publications", "News", "Services", "Gallery" sections, he noted.

In the "News" section of the site, information on PhD exams, organization of distance courses, seminars and conferences, meetings and so on. will be available.

R.Ismayilov noted that the site, which reflects the main directions of activity of TIM, is designed at high level in terms of design, software and information provision, meets all modern requirements and the latest technological innovations were implemented. He also noted that an opportunity for online examinations for PhD students was created.

"Video Gallery", "Photo gallery" and "Publications" sections will be operated in the site.

In the end, discussions were held on site exploitation, a number of proposals were put forward.

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