Guidelines of database discussed

01 March 2018 - 17:06 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar was held at the Electronic Library Center of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. The employee of the center, Nargiz Ismayilova, presented a report on the issue of registration in Russia's - РИНЦ scientific reference database. He said that this platform was created in 1999 to provide electronic access to foreign research bases by Russian researchers.

The rapoter provided information on the evaluation of the database, stressing that the effectiveness of this process was determined by defining the publication and researcher's activity.

N.Ismayilova informed the staff about registration rules at She noted that it is necessary to register for regular monitoring and editing of personal information on the РИНЦ platform.

At the end, discussions were held on the activities of the Institute staff at the РИНЦ base.

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