Institute hosts event dedicated to World Civil Defense Day

01 March 2018 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted an event dedicated to March 1 - World Civil Defense Day.

Opening the event, Deputy Director General of the Institute Shakir Mehdiyev said that since March 1, 1972, the World Civil Day was celebrated in all countries by decision of International Civil Defense Organization.  Saying that Azerbaijan has been a member of this authoritative international organization since 1993, Mr. Mehdiyev noted that the main task of the Civil Defense bodies is to organize the protection of the population and ensure their readiness in state of emergency.

The deputy director said that all the necessary measures were taken in this organization, the plans for the employees of the institute were presented, the balloons were placed on all the floors, and there were polling booths and sound amplifiers in the newly renovated Civil Defense warehouse. Also, the institute was equipped with fire protection systems., Mr. Mehdiyev noted.

Then, Khalal Hasanov, chief of the Civil Defense Headquarters of the Institute, emphasized that the main purpose of the Civil Defense is to develop a preventive action plan to prevent emergencies and to take preventive measures in the prevention of industrial accidents and other emergencies.

He also demonstrated clear rules of behavior during natural disasters, industrial accidents and emergencies.

In the end a number of suggestions and recommendations were sounded, questions were answered.

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