Found a way to turn mail an enemy in the graveyard of spam

19 February 2018 - 11:50 | Interesting information
Found a way to turn mail an enemy in the graveyard of spam

The company Product Hunt has submitted a site to punish abusers of Spam Revenge. The service allows you to clog the Inbox of enemies a huge number of promotional emails.

For this users need to enter the email address your enemy in a special column on the website and click the Get Revenge. Then the service will send the victim’s address for several companies that “will do all the dirty work” and sign an email to a lot of spam. However, the developers warn that the attack on the e-mail Inbox will not start immediately.

“Don’t expect the bombing immediately. In the end, we’re trying to get into the Inbox and not the Spam folder”, — stated in the description page.

The site also reported that the service currently used by more than 70 thousand people. However, getting into the blacklist Revenge Spam can be prevented: this service is sold on the website for three dollars.

In the summer of 2017, the French expert in the field of security has published information about the largest database belonging to the spammers. It contained more than 711 million email addresses and 80 million records with information about users of the network.