Thesis on the topic "Methods and algorithms for measurement of interstate integration processes in e-government environment" discussed

31 January 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department No. 16 of ANAS Institute of Information Technology was held.

Academician-secretary of the ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev said that the seminar was dedicated to the discussion of the thesis on the topic "Methods and algorithms for measuring interstate integration processes in the e- government  environment". The scientist pointed out the relevance of the topic that, as a result of scientific-technical development, computerization and introduction of new information technologies, the concept of an electroe, which is a new form of public administration, is actively developed and implemented. The scientist noted that e-government is characterized by the active use of information technologies for the regulation of the political sphere.

The Head of Department Gulnara Nabibeyova of the institute, highlighted the issues of the relevance of the thesis, the purpose, the goals and tasks. The thesis consists of 4 chapters, key findings, 139 lists of literature and 2 addendum, she said. 11 scientific works were published on the subject.

G.Nabibeyova noted that the main purpose of the thesis is to study international integration processes in the e-government  through the use of OLAP technologies and data storage (VA) within the framework of the Methods and Algorithms for Assessment of Integration Presets between Countries and the Decision-Making Systems (QQDS).

Reporter  highlighted the work  done in the thesis on the analysis of the modern state of the international integration processes, the QQDS for the study of the integration of countries in the e-government environment, the methods for measuring the integration level of countries, the implementation of methods and models developed in the QQDS for the integration of countries.

G.Nabibeyova presented the results obtained in the thesis. She noted that the scientific and theoretical problems of the assessment of international integration processes were defined, the volume of information flows among the countries on the Internet, the number of international treaties and international meetings as indicators for the measurement of the degree of interstate integration in the e-government environment. Also, the fuzzy OLAP cube algorithm was developed and the two-dimensional hierarchy of criteria for determining the degree of integration of countries was proposed; the structure of the QQDS Intelligent Information System was designed and modeled and the program implementation was carried out.

Afterwards,  many questions were answered about the thesis.

At the end, the scientific supervisor, academician R.Aliguliyev highlighted the importance of the thesis and said that research in this direction was a innovation for science. 

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