The main purpose of e-health is to improve the quality of medical services provided to the population

25 January 2018 - 13:00 | Interviews, speeches
The main purpose of e-health is to improve the quality of medical services provided to the population

Formation of information society, transition to a knowledge-based economy, and penetration of information technologies into all spheres of public life have also influenced the field of medicine. At present, the country's health and medical activities are based on information and communication technologies (ICT). The necessity of integration of ICT into health has become an undeniable fact accepted by everyone. It is equally concerned with the provision of high-quality and safe medical services to citizens, as well as the field of accounting and reporting, covering the efficient deployment of personnel, the collection, protection, processing and transmission of statistical data. All of these, in turn, raise the need for comprehensive informatics of health.

The World Health Organization defines electronic health (e-health) as the use of ICT in medicine and health. Broadly, e-health promotes the flow of information by using electronic means to provide healthcare services and support health management systems.

Head of department at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova interviewed to AZERTAC.

"The development of the health services market and the introduction of ICT in this field have been one of the top priorities since 2000. Global Growth Project of (G8) in 2000 is the starting point for the global community to address the problem called eHealth. As the next step, it is necessary to mention the resolution adopted at the 58th session of the World Health Assembly in 2005 and adopted by The World Health Organization, as well as the concept of electronic health. The resolution stresses that e-health plays an important role in raising the quality of healthcare, improving the quality of health and health-related activities.

Electronic healthcare and telemedicine entered the EU agenda at the end of the 1990s with the “Lisbon Strategy”. This political document has shown that ICT plays a vital role in modernizing health. Later this strategy was called "E-health". In 2008, e-health was declared by the European Commission as one of the six key EU initiatives.

“The E-Health Global Observatory” has been established under The World Health Organization to consolidate the efforts of the global medical community to inform the public about the health.

The head of the department said that the main purpose of electronic healthcare is to increase the quality and accessibility of medical services provided to the population, and to regularly inform the population about the reduction of health and spending, healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, provision of differentiated medical services, to manage their own health, to eliminate inequalities in different types of health care (age, disability, poverty, etc.). The essence of eHealth is to provide a comprehensive set of tools that provide electronic information on people's health at the right time and place.

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