The best technology to recognize the face

18 December 2017 - 16:31 | Technological innovations
The best technology to recognize the face

According to IARPA, the Russian recognition algorithm is the fastest algorithm in the world.

NtechLab, a US-based intelligence research agency, has been the winner of the competition organized by the National Institute for Standards and Technology on algorithms of recognition.

It is reported in  that the NtechLab-based algorithm, which was founded in 2015, is the basis of the FindFace program. Thus, the algorithm allows people to search for their photos on the social network "Vkontakte" and finds the necessary person within 0.5 seconds between 1 billion people.

It is noted that NtechLab won 2 out of 3 nominations ("Idendification speed" and "Verification accuracy"). At present, the company operates under the auspices of the US National Intelligence Agency.

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