Robot Sofia collects funds for "world-wide AI"

30 November 2017 - 10:29 | Interesting information
Robot Sofia collects funds for "world-wide AI"

The humanoid Sophia, which gained a special popularity recently, attracts money for the creation of the "World AI". The robot called on everyone to participate in the crowdfunding of the SingularityNET project, which creates an open AI platform. The tokens purchased by investors will be available to buy services and products on the site of the "World AI".

The company says that it wants to create a "global brain" - a system of AI algorithms and computing power that can solve the most diverse problems of developers, companies and enthusiasts, reports.Interested customers will be able to use the power of global AI by paying tokens. Developers who want to earn, will be able to try to add their solutions to the common library. The system will be open and free from the power of AI giants. According to plans, it will constantly grow, and developers will be interested in its development. It turns out a kind of AI-marketplace based on the blockbuster.

The idea of the project belongs to the expert in robotics and the well-known AI developer Ben Herzel. He wants to destroy the oligopoly in the market of artificial intelligence. The purpose of SingularityNET is to create a decentralized network for AI. In each of its cells will be an algorithm, and the entire network will not be a corporation or government, which uses it for their own selfish needs.

According to the creator, AI should not belong to huge corporations buying up the best minds. Behind each AI must be people. Only such AI will be useful and transparent for society. If the algorithm with a human level of mind is created by the corporation, then it primarily uses it to generate additional income from the population, by deceiving and misleading them. The government, of course, uses it to monitor citizens.

This platform will be able to offer its services as a small developer from Africa, as well as a large company, if they want to place their products on an equal footing. Herzel said that the blocking team will be able to ensure fair competition and encourage further development of AI. Initially, simple solutions will appear, such as computer vision or voice recognition algorithms, but in the long term the platform will help developers develop, there will appear more serious solutions. On a decentralized site, neither the state nor conditional Google can control and change the process. Programmers, whose solutions are really good, will be able to earn money without hindrance. Such a technological utopia draws Ben Herzel, waiting for the ICO.

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