E-government information security management methods have been developed

21 November 2017 - 09:54 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department № 2 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2017 was heard. Reporting head of department, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev presented detailed information about the research works. He said that research and development of methods and algorithms for providing information security in the Big Data environment are being investigated and some of their applications are being carried out to investigate the scientific and theoretical problems of information technology and information society and to develop effective methods.

According to him, in the reporting methods of the conceptual model of intellectual monitoring of computer networks, network traffic, computer network authentication model, computer network productivity monitoring have been developed in the network traffic on the topic “Development of the methods and models for Intelligent Monitoring of Computer Networks”.

Y. Imamverdiyev drew attention to the research on the topic "Development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security in cloud technologies". He explained that in the clouds there were developed methods for detecting anomalies in cloud computing centers, a new intelligent decision-making system for load balancing based on the synthesis of issues and resource modeling models, multi-dimensional optimization planning model, resource forecasting model, resource planning model.

GHe spoke about research on the development of conceptual architecture based on cloud and mobile technologies for e-signature infrastructure on the development of methods and algorithms for improving e-signature infrastructure in e-government.

The speaker also said that the studies were carried out on e-government information security management methods, methods and models for ensuring information security of cyber-physical systems, synthesis of intelligent systems for monitoring network security, methods and algorithms for detection of botnets, and other topics.

During the year Y.Imamverdiyev said that 32 reports were published in scientific-technical conferences, seminars and symposia and 22 articles were published in well-known scientific magazines.

The head of the department also gave detailed information on scientific and innovative activity. According to him, in the current year AzScienceNet has been working on the installation and operation of hardware or software to ensure the information security policy, as well as ensuring information security of hosting servers.

He also talked about scientific-expertise and scientific-organizational activity of the department, its scientific-practical results in mass media, and its activities in the framework of international cooperation.

At the end, discussions were held on the report, recommendations were sounded.

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