Problems of formation of information culture are studied

20 November 2017 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The report of the Training and Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS (TIC) for 2017 was discussed. The head of the department of the TIC  Rasmiyya Mahmudova gave information about the research carried out at the center this year. She said that methods for measuring and evaluating the information culture of individuals on issues of culture of information culture were developed.

R.Makhmudova noted that researches on improving the quality of informatics in secondary schools by using intellectual games on e-learning problems were conducted. In this regard, the types, functions and application of intellectual games, the problems encountered during the teaching of informatics, and the use of intellectual games in the teaching of this subject were developed and proposed to increase students' cognitive activity. He also pointed out that gesture language teaching in different countries was comparatively analyzed for the problems of gesture language, and the problems of integration of hearing-impaired people into society were studied.

Speaking about the scientific-innovation and practical activities of the Center, the head of the TIM emphasized that the center has been conducting informatics courses and examinations for PhD students throughout the country. According to the speaker, in the course of 2017, 1247 PhD Students from the scientific and educational institutions of the Republic participated in the courses on "Informatics" and passed PhD exams. PhD students living in the regions have passed exams on the Internet in a distant form.

She noted that trainings were held for the officers responsible for organizing exams of the scientific institutions of ANAS and their knowledge was certified on the basis of the exam. In addition, this year, the Center has also organized individual courses and exams for various programs, as well as the final round of the National Olympiad on Informatics among high school students, working out a website for the TIM and identifying new priorities for the center.

The head of the TIM also noted that IT-courses organization and certification for employees and employees of organizations and ordinary citizens are continuing this year as well.

The speaker also informed about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department, participation in scientific-technical conferences, publication of scientific articles in the international and republican journals recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, preparation of various electronic publications, and so on. and gave detailed information on the work done.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev sounded his suggestions and recommendations regarding department’s report. The scientist recommended the further enhancement of the center's scientific activity.

Detailed exchange of views on the topic was taken, questions were answered.

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