Multi-spectrum problems of supercomputer technologies are investigated

20 November 2017 - 09:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The annual report of Department No. was discussed 4 at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Deputy Director onTechnologies, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov said that research on internet regulation and multidimensional problems of supercomputer technologies the problem was "Development of methods and algorithms for optimal synthesis of mobile computing clouds" Internet of Things: Current Status, Development Perspectives, Problems and Solutions’’, "Conducting research on creation of virtual machines and computing clusters in data processing center" investigations were conducted on topics,  he noted.

He also pointed out that the creation of Enterprise Desktop Grid services in AzScienceNet, network-based technologies in AzScienceNet, parallel computing in data processing centers, as well as research on Green Computing technology are continuing.

Speaking about the work done in the field of scientific-innovation activities, the reporter said that "Development of new methods and algorithms for synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems", "Development Perspectives and Problems of Green Computing Technologies", "AzScienceNet: current state, opportunities and prospects" the republican scientific-practical seminar, "Complex issues requiring great computing, memory resources and high-speed Internet traffic".

He also stressed the importance of developing AzScienceNet's infrastructure, creating and organizing new services in AzScienceNet network, increasing technical capabilities of the network and the Data Center, and installing software on AzScienceNet. For this purpose the AzScienceNet network joined of several institutes and organizations of ANAS through fiber-optic communication channels, creation of local computer network, education network connection to AzScienceNet network, joining Grid projects at AzScienceNet, Academy of ANAS Wi-Fi service on campus, organization of work of Monitoring and Security Service and operational information system of ANAS, etc. said that measures were taken in the direction, R. Alakbarov noted.

Speaking about the international scientific cooperation of the department, the reporter noted that cooperation with GEANT Association for all European scientific and educational institutions and cooperation with the Center for Distributed Computations of the Institute of Information Transfer Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been continued.

R. Alakbarov also informed about the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department, participation in scientific-technical conferences, the publication of scientific articles in the international and republican journals recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the current year, 31 references have been registered to the work e of the department’s staff.

The scientist also noted that in the reporting year a new version of the AzScienceNet website has been put into use.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made speeches and made suggestions and recommendations regarding the department's report. The scientist emphasized the importance of promoting the scientific and theoretical activities of the department's staff, publishing the results in reputable international scientific journals and promoting mass media.

There was an exchange of views on the topic, questions were answered.

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