Problems of audio-informational technologies are investigated

15 November 2017 - 08:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department No. 6 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2017 was discussed. The report was presented by PhD in technical sciences, head of department Bikas Aghayev.

The speaker talked about the current research work. Researches on monitoring of quality standards of commonly used audio and video broadcasting technologies in the field of audio information technologies and scientific and socio-economic problems of electronic waste (EW), analysis of modern methods of information security of voice signals, classification of software management systems for functional criteria and evaluating its impact on human health and the environment are  being conducted, he noted.

Speaking about the scientific-innovative activity of the department, B.Agayev noted that the grant projects were submitted to the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the SOCAR Science Fund.

He also gave information about the scientific-organizational and scientific-pedagogical activity of the department's staff, participation in international and national events, publication of articles in scientific journals, scientific indicators, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and advertising-marketing activities. the work.

At the end a number of suggestions and recommendations were sounded, questions were answered.

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