Problems of information economy development and management are investigated

14 November 2017 - 15:51 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department No 8 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2017 was heard. The head of the department, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev gave information about the research work carried out in the department this year. He stated that studies on the problems of the formation of the information society economy and its scientific and theoretical bases for the solution, the problems of information economy measurement, the factors influencing the process of development of the information economy on the "green" technology, research on the development of models and mechanisms for creating and managing technoparks and that scientific achievements were achieved.

As a result of the research work of the department staff, 8 conference materials were published in the current year and two of them were included in the international conference materials indexed on the Web of Science basis. 9 articles were published in well-known scientific journals.

A.Aliyev gave detailed information about scientific-innovative activity of department employees of the current year. He said that preliminary preparatory work was being carried out on holding a multidisciplinary scientific-practical conference on “The Formation of Information Economy: Problems, Tasks and Prospects”

The head of the department noted that participation in the implementation of the relevant paragraphs in the State Program, in the State Program on “Azerbaijan 2020: Looking to the Future” Development Concept “, works was carried out at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on the theme of “Innovation and Knowledge Economy Formation” and State Program on “Knowledge Economy Formation” and “Socio-Economic Development of Regions”.

The speaker mentioned that proposals were made to implement the issues arising from the formation of the information society economy in the Strategic Road Map (2016) on Development of Telecommunication and Information Technology, and the Science Development Fund and the SOCAR Science Fund's proposals for participation in the next grant competition.

Then A.Aliyev spoke about the measures taken within the framework of international scientific cooperation in the department. In 2017, cooperation relations with the Belarusian High Technologies Park, New Turkey Strategic Research Center, Technopark of the Turkish Technical University, the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi State University, and the Caucasus University in Georgia were established.

He also talked about the scientific-organizational and practical, scientific-pedagogical activities of the department's employees, the promotion of the institute's activities in mass media and the improvement of advertising-marketing work.

At the end of the meeting the exchange of views on the report was held, the activity of the department was considered satisfactory, questions and proposals were sounded.

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