Problems of e-science formation are investigated

01 November 2017 - 10:14 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department No 12 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2017 was heard. The head of department, Medina Saidova, spoke about the research works. Reporter gave information about investigating the principles of forming future generation e-libraries on the problems of e-science formation, reporting on the perspective directions of science based on intellectual analysis of bibliometric data, modeling of information influence in social networks, research of scientific method and algorithms using modern information technologies and scientific achievements .

M.Saidova gave detailed information on scientific-innovative and practical activities of the department's employees for the current year. She said a number of measures were taken to complete the cataloging, systematization and dissemination of scientific and technical information. She also highlighted the work done in the E-Library Center and noted that the activities related to membership in the Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium were carried out and the books were classified by the classification system of the US Congress Library.

Speaking about the scientific-organizational activities of the department, the lecturer also noted that in the current year a series of inter-departmental sessions devoted to various topics and interactive workshops "Hours of scientometric", conducting trainings on scientific bases and usage of scientific social networks, giving DOI numbers to institute publications were carried out.

Speaking about the department's scientometric indicators, the reporter saidthat she participated in 2 international and national conferences in 2017 and published 2 articles in authoritative journals recommended by the AR High Attestation Commission. She also highlighted the booklet, which is a summary of the scientific works of the Institute staff.

M.Saidova also talked about the work carried out within the framework of international cooperation in the department.

Finally, the reporter provided information about scientific-pedagogical activity, scientific-practical results in mass media and organization of advertising-marketing work, strengthening of personnel potential and other current affairs.

The activity of the department was considered satisfactory, questions and suggestions were sounded.

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