The models and methods that support decision-making in electronic medicine are studied

30 October 2017 - 12:26 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department №15 of the Institute of Information Technologyof ANAS for 2017 was heard. Head of the department, correspondent member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova noted that in the current year the department analyzed existing approaches, methods and means to support decision-making in the field of artificial intelligence, sosioinformation technologies and e-medicine, analyzing the impact of factors determining the health of the population and their impact on country's health, analyzing the effects of social media in the e-health environment, identifying risk factors and analyzing impacts on decision-making processes; the results of articles published in prestigious journals, international and national lectures and theses was reflected.

Professor Masuma Mammadova noted that research has been carried out to identify and systematize information sources and health information sources that have a significant impact on the analysis of social and demographic processes, as well as research on the role of social media in integrating people with disabilities into society.

The scientist said scientific-theoretical results of researches on the development of scientific-methodological bases of intellectual support of decision-making in human resource management in the reporting year were systematized, summarized and presented for presentation of a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences.  The head of the department also noted that the research conducted in the field of intellectual management of demand and supply of IT specialists in the labor market was completed and dissertation was prepared for the presentation of a scientific degree of PhD.

The head of the department underlined that e-university management models, methods of assessing the knowledge of e-learning in the current year are being developed and the researches are being continued.

M. Mammadova highlighted the work carried out within the scientific and innovative activities of the department. She noted that in the current year, scientific and expert activities were carried out by the department staff, 14 magazines and conference materials, a book was prepared and a dissertation work was carrieed out. The information about the scientific activities of the department staff was posted on the Wikipedia and Google Scholars, and the collection, enlargement, and editing of content on ICT-related content were completed.

The head of department stated that 14 articles were published in well-known scientific journals during the reporting year and she participated in 5 international and 5 national-level authoritative conferences with 10 reports. She also noted that articles of the employees of department were cited 24 times which was published in journals with impact factor, international journals (SCOPUS, DBLP, etc.) in the current year.

 Prof. M.Mammadova emphasized that the monograph "Electronic Medicine: Formation and Scientific-Theoretical Problems" was prepared on the basis of the results of the research on the formation of e-medicine.

Speaking about the international scientific cooperation of the department, Mammadova said that in 2017 relations with Mexico City National Autonomous University, Turkey's Selcuk University and the European Commission's European Education Foundation were established.

She provided information about the scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department's staff, the preparation of various publications, and the results of scientific-practical results in mass media.

The report was exchanged, the activity of the department was considered satisfactory, questions and proposals were sounded.

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