Annual report meetings were launched at the Institute

24 October 2017 - 15:21 | Conferences, assemblies
Annual report meetings were launched at the Institute

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the meetings on the annual reports of departments were started. Information about scientific-research, scientific-innovation, a scientific-pedagogical activity carried out by departments will be provided at the meetings.

Speaking about the importance of the event, academician-secretary of the ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev said that the main goal is to evaluate the annual activities of the departments, to get acquainted with the scientific and innovative activities carried out in the departments, as well as to determine priorities and challenges.

Aliguliyev underlined the importance of holding these meetings in terms of organizing the work of the departments more efficiently, strengthening the scientific activity and improving the quality of the work done. He emphasized the importance of investigating priority scientific problems, publication of important scientific results in the world's prestigious editions, conduction of intradepartmental seminars.

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