Experts told about the most reliable passwords

24 October 2017 - 14:32 | Interesting information
Experts told about the most reliable passwords

According to experts, directly from the sequence of numbers, as well as letters, depends on how quickly cybercriminals can unravel the code. Experts said that in the UK about 20 percent of all mobile device users and networks use the simplest passwords (own names, surnames, a sequence of digits: 123123, etc.). According to experts, it's the easiest way to solve such codes. In particular, they are talking about private rooms for Internet banking, which are the subject of attacks by hackers.

According to statistics, a middle-class hacker needs about ten seconds to eventually solve a password having a small complexity. In this case, an important role is played by the software of the attacker. But it can be deceived if desired. According to experts, there are a number of rules that need to be observed in order to preserve personal data.

It is necessary first of all to refuse to use the date of birth in passwords. Figures that are located in a certain order - this is not a hindrance to the software. It is also recommended to use non-existent words or simply sequences of letters. It is necessary to constantly alternate certain simple symbols with capital letters. This also misleads the program.

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