The efficiency of using AzScienceNet Data Center resources are increased

20 October 2017 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Responsibilities from the decision on the scientific report on Big Data problems were discussed.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Aliguliev made a report on "Big Data and supercomputer technologies: Challenges, Problems and Tasks" at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS dated July 5, 2017. At the next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the issues arising from decision of Presidium of ANAS were discussed at the discussion of this scientific report.

Deputy Director on Technologies, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov said that the decision was made to increase the efficiency of the use of AzScienceNet's Data Center resources, strengthen the integration of the Azerbaijan Education Network (AzEduNet) into GEANT, and storaging Big Data resources in the Data Center, holding monitoring to identify complicated issues requiring great calculation and memory resources in the activities of scientific institutions of ANAS.

R. Alakbarov, who said that the Action Plan was prepared to fulfill the tasks arising from this decision, gave information about the work done. According to the scientist, for this purpose strengthening of material-technical base of AzScienceNet Data Center, maintenance of hosting of web-resources of all scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS in the Data Center of the AzScienceNet network and hosting services, physical connection of AzEduNet network to AzScienceNet, testing of AzEduNet-AzScienceNet operation, as well as access to the GEANT network of higher education institutions and other activities were implemented.

Also, work with state universities for joining the Eduroam service, joining AzScienceNet network of “Grid Scientific Research Center” at the Institute of Physics of ANAS, storage of Big Data resources in Data Center, collected by some academic institutions of the Academy, etc. works are in the process of implementation.

R. Alakbarov also noted that technical organization works have been carried out for the monitoring of the complex issues requiring great calculation and memory resources in the activities of scientific institutions of ANAS, the questionnaire has been developed and so on.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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