The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute is held

18 October 2017 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev, who opened the event, congratulated the staff of the Institute on the occasion of October 18 -the Day of State Independence of Azerbaijan.

Then, R. Alguliyev informed about the issues on the agenda of the meeting and highlighted the issues to be discussed at the event.

Head of the International Relations Department of the Institute, PhD Vugar Musayev informed about his participation in the 2nd Eastern Partnership E-Infrastructure Conference (EaPEC 2017). This year's conference in Minsk (Belarus) is a platform for exchanging experience between Eastern Partnership countries and Europe's network of science and education infrastructures, head of the department noted. Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus, Head of the Belarus National Academy of Sciences, First Deputy Minister of Education of Belarus, representatives of European Commission, GEANT Executive Director, EAP Connect project manager and others attended the conference.

Noting that discussion was held on the European science and research policy, electronic infrastructure for open science, scientific data management, digitalization of cultural heritage, Internet freedom for science and research and other topics, V. Musayev said that he participated as a chairman in the Lightning Talks section at the conference. Speaking about the projects discussed in the section, he informed about the brain-driven drone "Minddrone", "Human Brain Project", which uses the understanding of the human brain information processing principles and uses it for the computer, the Indigo-Data Cloud open-source cloud platform projects.

V. Musayev also said that the names of winners of the "Enlighten his research" project were announced which aimed to support research at international level. He noted that this year the “E-government open data" project of the doctorate of Utrecht University Igbal Safarov is included in the list of winning projects.

At the end of the event, the head of the department pointed out that at the end of the event a live concert was broadcasted in several countries through the audio-visual system "LOLA" (LOA LAtency audiovisual streaming system), which transmits high-resolution images and sound, and broadcasts music.

At the meeting, the admission to master degree n 2017-2018 academic year, admission to doctorate and PhD courses in 2018, attestation of doctoral and PhD students were also discussed.

Speaking of the contest held at the ANAS magistracy in the current year, head of the Department of Education of the Institute, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Farhad Yusifov said that at the current year two places were allocated at the Institute on "Distributed Systems and Networks" and "Computer Systems and Networks Software" specialities. Ayten Mammadova, bachelor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Galib Sarayev, Bachelor of Baku Engineering University, became winners in the mentioned specialities. Galib Sarayev, a master of the Institute of Information Technology, scored 143 points and showed the highest results in ANAS.

The lecturer gave information about the results of the attestation of the doctoral and PhD students for 2017 in the Institute of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences programs. He said that since September of the current year attestation of the doctoral and PhD students has been carried out at the institute. In this process, 5 doctoral students, 15 PhD students and 8 doctors of sciences took part as applicants. According to him, 16 applicants have already been certified.

He also provided detailed information on the plans for the doctorate and PhD course in 2017. He noted that 6 (3 doctoral, 3 PhD students), 1 place on the program of Doctor of Sciences.

Discussions were held around the reports, questions were answered.

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