Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the Institute's chief accountant Leyla Guliyeva!

16 October 2017 - 09:00 | Jubilees

Leyla Guliyeva, chief accountant of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Institute on the occasion of her 60th anniversary.

Director of the Institute, academic secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliev said that Leyla Guliyeva always at the center of attention and leadership with high professionalism, productive activity and achievements. He noted that L. Guliyeva has exceptional services in the long run of the institute. Humanitarian qualities, such as humanity, industriousness, sensitivity and care, have earned her great respect and sympathy in the collective.

Leyla Guliyeva graduated from the faculty of "Automation of Production Processes" of the Azerbaijan Petrochemical Institute named after M. Azizbeyov in 1979 with honors. In 1979, she began her career as an engineer at the Department of Automated Control Systems (AIS) at the Institute of Cybernetics of ANAS (nowadays Institute of Control Systems).

From 1982 to 1995 she worked as a senior engineer at the Institute of Control System of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In 2000 she entered the faculty of "Finance and Credit" of the Azerbaijan State Economic University and in 2002 she finished the full course of "Financial and Credit" qualification.

Since 1996 she has been working as a chief accountant at the Institute of Information Technology.

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